Saturday, August 15, 2015

Sleepy Time

The Beast will be a extension of our future travel trailer.
So, Comfort is a must inside the Beast.
We found this at BJ's Wholesale.
It's a Click Clack Lounger.
 This is in the sitting position

This is the Bed position
It's about the size of a double bed but not as long.
The nice thing is it fit without any modifications. I'll have to build a front and rear frame to reach the floor which I will also install doors for storage below the bed.
I have some 6x9 speakers that will be mounted below and some 10' subs.
No it's not going to be a Hippie Van!
Just nice so when we travel or have riders with us they will be comfortable.
For long trips it will be nice folding the lounger to bed position and Brenda can take a nap.
We've got a long way to go customizing the Beast, But little by little it will get there.

New Mirrors more Holes

We bought new mirrors for the Beast.
I want to keep the old school look for the van and after alot of hunting I found some Westcoast Jr. mirrors.

We've still need to adjust the mirror position for a normal look.
The nice thing about these mirrors, They are adjustable so when we pull our cargo trailer or our future camper. I will be able to see who's beside me.
I'm looking for a set of round bubble mirrors to attach to the mirror arms so the blind spots while driving will not be blind.

The old holes left by the other mirrors will be welded closed and then the body work will remove this problem. I plan to keep the bondo work to a very minimium.
I'd rather do the hard work with metal than have alot of bondo on the van.

Campsite Exploring

We've been exploring different campsites that we will use once the van is ready.
We have tents but we hope to get the van setup for camping also.

This picture was taken in Fernandina Florida at Fort Clinch.

The campsites are well shaded and have power.
Hopefully by Fall, We will be ready.